Sunday, 13 September 2015

Eid-ul-Adha & Qurbani

'Warmest Wishes' To Muslims Celebrating Eid
Eid-ul-Adha (Festival of sacrifice) - ‘Eid’ means festival and ‘Adha’ is derived from ‘Udhiya’ or blood sacrifice. In fact, it is the thanksgiving, the culmination of Hajj on the 9th of Zil-Hajjah and celebrated on the 10th. ‘Udhiya’ is an Arabic word meaning "blood sacrifice". ‘Qurbani’ is used in Urdu and Persian. It is derived from the Arabic word "Qurban" which literally means an act performed to seek Allah’s pleasure. The concepts of ‘Udhiya’ and ‘Qurbani’ are non-Qur’anic. Blood sacrifice is a Pagan and Biblical ritual. Allah does not need to be pleased. See verse 14:8 and remember that Allah is Free of want. The obedience of His commands is good only for us.
2:204 Among mankind there is he whose chatter on worldly affairs dazzles you, and he keeps swearing by God about what is in his heart. And he is exceedingly skillful in contending for his viewpoint. [2:8-12]
2:205 But as soon as he attains political power he goes all out spreading corruption on earth. His authority results in destruction of creation, the produce of land, and labor, and the damage he does affects generations, whereas God does not love corruption and disorder.

Dear friends, 
Please convey this message as far as possible.

Rethink Hajj and 'Qurbani' (Udhiya)
Muslims waste huge amount of time, money and resources on Hajj, Umras and animal sacrifice. The last one is a pagan rituals.
Reconsider your plans for going to Hajj if you have been there before, if you have an ailing or elderly family member at home, or if you know some people in dire need of help.
Just imagine! Slaughtering about 150 million animals on a single day grievously hurts the livestock resources.

The Qur'an prescribes nothing but NAHR.
NAHR applies:
- Only to camel sacrifice, 
- Only in Makkah, 
- Only during Hajj. 
- The objective of sacrificing camels during Hajj is to make the congregation self-sufficient in food resources.

Muslims become a laughing stock and waste billions of dollars every year when they slaughter animals, generally on streets. This pagan practice is nowhere ordained in the Qur’an.
Slaughtering millions of animals on a single day grievously hurts the productivity of potential animal generations, an important food and industrial resource.
Udhia = Qurbani = Animal Sacrifice. Blood sacrifice is strictly a Pagan and Biblical ritual supposed to please God. He does not prescribe it at all. Only camels may be slaughtered at Hajj, and only in Makkah for the pilgrims to host one another (22:36). NAHR strictly refers to the sacrifice of a camel.
IS ANIMAL SACRIFICING THE COMMEMORATION OF HAZRAT IBRAHIM? There is a rampant belief among Muslims that they slaughter animals, sheep, goat, cow, camel in memory of Ibrahim’s a. s. attempted slaughter of his son Ismail a.s. - That Allah saved Ismael a. s. by replacing him with a ram sent from heaven. Does Allah play games with His servants? How much more Biblical can one get?
37:102 And when he was old enough to strive along with him, Abraham said, “O My dear son! I have a vision that I must give you to a life of test and tribulation for a Noble cause. So look, what do you think?” He said, “O My father! Do what you are commanded. God willing, you will find me of the steadfast.” [‘Zibh’ & ‘Zabh’ = Sacrifice = Disregarding comfort for a Noble cause]

37:103 As both of them had surrendered themselves (to Allah), he made Ismail prostrate on his forehead in gratitude. [Contrary to popular tradition Abraham never envisioned or intended to slaughter his son]
37:106 This was indeed a Trial, clear in itself.
[Leaving the prestigious office of Chief Priesthood in Babylon and now the comfort of Syria for the wilderness of the valley of Makkah]
37:107 We exchanged his life for a Momentous Sacrifice. [Please notice here the absence of the Biblical and the traditional myth of a ‘ram’ sent from the heavens. Also, note that slaughtering of a sheep or goat, by no means, can be considered a Momentous Sacrifice. 14:37, 37:102]

Dr Shabbir, Florida.
From, Our Beacon Forum.

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