Friday, 26 June 2015

Ramadan! Beards and Turbans.

While supervising a project on preventive health care in Sana’a, Yemen, I witnessed something that made me weep and laugh at the same time. It was the month of Ramadhan (‘fasting’) and a dozen Sikh laborers were in police custody. Their crime? They were “caught” eating lunch in their truck.
The unmistakably colorful turbans and unshaven beards covered with special finely interwoven nettings could even tell a child that they were not Muslims, but rather Sikhs. Unfortunately, the poor laborers did not speak a word of Arabic while the local ‘Shurtah’ police knew not a word of English.
The poor Sikhs were taken as Muslims, presented to a blind Qadhi (judge), and in the next five minutes, the decree was announced. Each of them was to receive 45 hard lashes.
After the Friday prayers, their hands were tied and shirts removed in the presence of hundreds of spectators for “humiliation that would remain a lesson”. We were on tour in ambulances and could immediately discern the dilemma. The “guilty” were screaming in Punjabi that they were not Muslims, and, of course, they were not.
But the chief of police was foolish and stubborn. He insisted that they were “caught red-handed” eating during the time of fasting and that the twelve had compounded their “crime” by dishonoring Ramadhan in public.
I told him that they were non-Muslims, and therefore, not subject the Yemenite religious law but the chief said, “Why! They have beards and turbans. Why would they dress like Muslims? They have dishonored Ramadhan and the judge has already passed the sentence.” I tried to explain that this was how the Sikhs always dressed.
Dishonoring Ramadhan? The Qur’an nowhere mentions the silly dishonoring. I said, “Why should your fasting and Ramadhan be so fragile? Can you cite any reference that Ramadhan can be dishonored in any way?” The police chief responded that according to Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (the ancient Wahhabi Guru) the sacred month is certainly dishonored by eating or drinking outdoors.
“What was Hanbal’s authority, and that too unwritten? Does the senseless law apply to non-Muslims?” I asked. He said, “Imam Hanbal himself is an authority, the law certainly applies to non-Muslims, and the Qadhi knows best.” He didn’t say their pet word, “Wallahu A’lam” (and Allah knows best).
I asked the police to hold on until I could have my Palestinian male nurse make a trip to the nearby court and explain the situation to the Qadhi. Fortunately, I was in high ranking uniform and my request was granted. The nurse returned soon with a “very kind” reconsideration of the verdict. The judge had reduced the sentence from 45 strong lashes to five light whips for each of them. How about the humiliation?!
Now watch out for this Ramadhan if you happen to be in some of the Middle Eastern countries whether you are a Muslim or not. Even in “moderate Islamic” countries you will find all restaurants closed or thickly covered with heavy curtains.
Where is the exception for non-Muslims, the traveler, the sick, the elderly and the *pregnant or indisposed women? In some countries, they must carry a certificate from the relevant authorities!
Laugh or weep?
Al-Qur’an 2:184 …. But if any of you is sick or he is on a journey, he may make up the same number of days later. For those who can go through Abstinence only with hardship, there is a way of redemption: the feeding of an indigent. Any additional charity will bring additional reward….
Another foolish atrocity – Pregnancy and fasting: *The Muslim clergy fail to understand that the unborn fetus, would itself be physically fasting and be dangerously subjected to deprivation from food and drink if the mother is fasting. Moreover, can the tiny bit of flesh witness Ramadhan, an absolute precondition to fasting? Because you cannot see the fetus you can’t imagine the suffering. Did Allah use FAMAN SHAHIDA MINKUM ASH-SHAHR (whoever of you witnesses the month) without reason?
2:185 The month of Ramadhan has been chosen for this collective training since this is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed, a guidance for mankind, clearly explaining the ‘why’ of every Rule. And it is the Criterion of right and wrong. Whoever witnesses this month should participate in the program of Abstinence. But if any of you is sick or on a journey, let him practice Abstinence for the same number of days later. God desires for you ease, and He does not desire hardship for you. The postponement is to enable you to complete the period. The objective of this training is to establish the supremacy of God (on earth) for, He has shown you a well-lighted road, and for you to show gratitude.

from Our Beacon Forum
by Dr. Shabbir.

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