Friday, 27 September 2013

Stoning, Rijm, Sangsar?

Stoning is an ancient form of capital punishment. It was practiced in ancient Greece, Aztec tribes in South America also used stoning as punishment. Mishna, book of Jews gives a list of people who should be stoned.
According to Mishna Stoning applies to the following sinners.
  1. One who has had relations with his mother.
  2. With his father,s wife.
  3. With his daughter-in-law.
  4. A human male with a human male.
  5. or with a cattle.
  6. and the same is the case with a woman who uncovers herself before cattle.
  7. with a blasphemer.
  8. an idolater.
  9. he who sacrifices one of his children to Molech.
  10. one that occupies himself with familiar spirits.
  11. a wizard.
  12. one who violates Sabbath.
  13. one who curses his father or mother.
  14. one who has assaulted a betrothed damsel.
  15. a seducer who has seduced men to worship idols.
  16. and the one who misleads a whole town.
  17. a witch ( male or female).
  18. a stubborn and rebellious son.
 Torah (old Testament) which severs as a common religious reference for Judaism, sentences death by stoning for the following;
  1. Touching Mount Sinai while God was giving Moses the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 19:13)
  2. An Ox that gores someone to death should be stoned.(Exodus 21:28)
  3. Breaking Sabbath.(Numbers 15:32-36)
  4. An engaged virgin and the man who lies with her, together, since she did not cry. (Deut 22:24)
  5. Giving one,s seed (presumably one,s offspring) to Molech. (Leviticus 20:2-5)
  6. Having a familiar spirit (or being a necromancer) or being a wizard. (lev 20:27)
  7. Cursing God. (lev. 24:10-16)
  8. Engaging in Idolatry (Deut. 17:2-7) or seducing other to do so. (Deut. 13:7-12)
  9. Rebellion against parents. (Deut. 21: 18-21)
  10. Getting married as though a virgin when not a virgin. (Deut. 22:13-21)
  11. Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman engaged to another man.(both should be stoned). (Deut. 22:23-24).
Stoning (Rijm) as a punishment for adultery is not mentioned in the Quran.

Allah (SWT) Commands in the Quran.

The habitual adulteress and the habitual adulterer, flog each one of them with a hundred stripes.
 And let not compassion sway you in their case from carrying out 
God’s law, if you believe in God and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness
the penalty. 24:2 An-Noor. (QXP) 

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