In an interview
with the Indian media, the PML-N chief said if voted to power, he would
constitute a commission to probe Kargil and the Mumbai incidents.“The
commission’s report will be made public and the Indian government will
also be informed.( TheNews. May 6 2013)
It seems Mr. Nawaz Sharif does not think before he speaks. He should not be saying what he said to the Indian media. I think this was meant for Pakistan Army, he is trying to confront Pak Army the way he did in 1999. It,s o.k to constitute a commission to probe Kargil and the findings should be made public but why will he inform India. PML-N should learn form the present Turkish Government. How they put Turkey on the road to progress, how they transformed the economy. They had the same problems we have in our country, hostile military, bureaucracy,ultra secular political parties and Kurd insurgency.
Mr. Nawaz Sharif,s focus should be on the welfare of the people of Pakistan, he has to forget what happened in 1999. When people of Pakistan are happy and stand shoulder to shoulder with PML-N, he can do whatever is necessary to curb the power of military and civil bureaucracy. Till that time please focus on basic problems like education, health, poverty, load shedding, failing economy and terrorism.
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